Here's one of my favorite photos of Graham,
taken at Xcaret in Mexico, several years ago.
So far, so good! It was just a month ago that Graham's doctor told us that Graham likely had less than two months to live, that family should come immediately to say goodbye, but that she would continue to try different chemo combos on him, hoping to find one that would unexpectedly work.
I'm happy to report that Graham is doing much better than predicted. We saw Graham's oncologist today and started round two of the new chemo combo. So far, the chemo has reduced Graham's tumors and the cancer hasn't visibly regrown anywhere in between the treatments. Yay! We haven't had a doctor's appointment where everyone left smiling for quite a while, so this was a welcome change.
Now instead of talking about hospice care and two months until death, Dr. Advani is talking with hope about Graham continuing these treatments for two more months, which would make it likely for him to qualify for the bone marrow transplant (and a potential cure).
Is it due to all the loving prayers being said on Graham's behalf by friends and family? Or does knowing that so many people are rooting for him give Graham the sense of well being and positive energy he needs to help him heal?
We have Jewish friends who have put prayers for Graham in the Western Wall in Jerusalem and many who have included Graham's name (David ben Zev v Leah, David son of Zev and Leah) in their synagogue's prayer for healing. We have Christian, Muslim and Hindu friends praying for Graham's recovery, and a few ethical humanists who are wishing Graham well. Forsan's mom even went to the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to pray for Graham. :-)
Or, is Graham's turnaround due to our persistent, dedicated and very smart doctor, Dr. Advani? To the researchers and biotech/pharmaceutical companies who created Rituxan and the various chemo combos? Perhaps it's due to Graham's incredible determination and physical stamina, finely honed by years of pushing himself to cycle more and more miles, on more and more challenging routes?
Is it all of the above?
Hard to say. But whatever the reason, we're just very happy, hopeful and thankful.
A big thanks to all of you who have been in touch with Graham to share your concern, love and encouragement.
This is great news, and hopefully a turning point in Graham's fight against his cancer. I was so pleased to read this, it made my day.
We must all keep praying. All this positive energy has to be helping. Graham, we are all so proud of you in the way you are conducting yourself and the way you are fighting this.
Keep up the good work!
Much Love---Bernard & Family
Wow! That is so great! I am down in Los Angeles and will be back Oct. 1. I hope to see Graham smiling when I get back!
Bernard and Harriet,
Thanks for the encouragement!!
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