Lisa C. prepares creme brulee for Graham
Graham had a sweet day today. He woke up around 2pm and felt pretty good. He had much less back pain today.
He enjoyed catching up on the latest email and phone messages. (Jane, that was so nice of you to call from your excursion in Rome!) He even felt like taking a walk around the block.
The walk tuckered him out, but after having dinner and several desserts, he felt revived.
Lisa C. made us a delicious frittata for dinner and creme brulee for dessert. She even brought a blow torch along to caramelize the sugar on top. Wow! Thanks, Lisa. They were both sooo good.
And a big thank you to Ella, for making us her fantastic chicken soup and kasha. Yummy.
I got to run around the block twice today. When I opened the door for Ella, our dog Micki escaped and went tearing down the street. Oh, the unbridled joy of getting to pee in somebody else's yard! Or, perhaps, a chance to find the mailman she is so eager to rip apart. Apparently, Micki thinks the mailman comes to murder us every day, and only due to her barking and shredding of the mail does she manage to scare him off, allowing us to live another day. Thankfully the mailman was nowhere to be found and Micki permitted herself to be lured back home with the promise of a carrot.
After dinner, Graham tubed out. He enjoys shows from the History, Military and Home & Garden Channels. If a program has a plane, ship, power tools, or anything about World War II, he's a happy man.
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