Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Holding Steady

Graham is holding steady. He's been very tired yesterday and today, which is to be expected after the chemo and especially the radiation.

On our way to the radiation appointment, we stopped at an art supply store and picked up some water colors and other goodies. The hope is that even if Graham doesn't have much energy, there's still something interesting and creative he can do besides watching TV. Hmmm, maybe this is really for me so that we don't end up watching the 3,478th documentary about World War II on the History Channel. Hey, I like history as much as the next gal, and am also somewhat obsessed with WWII, but there's a limit. :-)

THANK YOU: Thanks Lynn for your wonderful drawings, poems and letters that you send so regularly. We always look forward to seeing what you think up next! Thanks Paul and Deb for the amusing "Haiku for Jews" book and lovely note. Graham got quite a few chuckles from it.

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