Within about 2 days, Graham has lost almost all his hair. While he was having chemo, he gradually lost his hair, but it grew back fairly quickly. Now that he's getting radiation to the head, they told us to expect hair loss, but his hair was holding strong. Then, all of the sudden, poof, hair begone!
Graham was very tired Monday and had some back pain that was made worse when he laid down on the hard radiation table. When we got home from Stanford, we had a lovely surprise on our doorstep from our wonderful neighbors back in NC : gorgeous irises and lilies. Thanks so much, Bob and Barbara J! Perfect timing on a tough day.
Tuesday, the doctor sent Graham for an x-ray because she suspects the back pain may actually be something going on with the ribs. We'll hear more about that when we go back to Stanford later today.
Had a very enjoyable visit with Peter R from Genentech. (Rats, I forgot to snap a photo of Peter!) He and Graham share a lot of common interests, so Graham always looks forward to hearing the latest from Peter. The weather was so perfect today, we sat out on the patio.
Forsan, our "honorary son," has been visiting us again this past week. What a pleasure it's been to have him with us. He is such a kind, amazing, unique individual. And holy smokes, so helpful!! Every house project we had on the "to do some faraway day if we get lucky" list is now completed, thanks to Forsan. He leaves today. We'll miss you, Forsan!
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