Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eye Problem Fades Away; Ice Cream on the Menu Again!

Forsan and Graham

Graham is doing great. He's spending more time awake, and, the really super news, the weird eye focusing problem went away. He's been doing so well Monday and today (Tues), I feel fine leaving him by himself while I run short errands. So I went to the store and stocked up for several weeks. I bought so much, we're ready for an earthquake AND a hurricane. Maybe even ready for a visit from Jon and Kate Plus 8 (my favorite show. Are their 8 kids adorable or what?!)

On Monday, Forsan came to visit. He'll be here until Saturday. Graham and I have been host parents to several international students over the years from places like Egypt, Israel, India, Japan, Chile, Germany and South Korea. We were Forsan's home away from home, way back in his days at Brandeis, when we used to live in Framingham, Massachusetts, about 11 years ago. He's such an amazing person. He came to America from Israel with just a basic command of the English language, but studied hard and learned quickly. He was soon winning writing awards at Brandeis, hosting a radio program, and eventually graduating from Harvard Business School.

Since it's been a week since Graham had the Gem-Ox chemo, he should be over the potential side effect of feeling like he is suffocating if he eats cold food. So last night, Graham cautiously put a spoonful of Ben and Jerry's Mint Oreo ice cream into his mouth. Nothing but happy tastebuds, so ice cream is back on the menu at Chez Green.

Today, Graham slept until 1pm as usual, and has been pretty perky since waking up.

We had a lovely visit from Rabbi E. He shared with us the topics of his high holiday sermons. They sound very interesting and inspiring. Wish we could go, but I can't see Graham lasting through 6 hours of prayers, standing, sitting, standing, sitting.

And then there's the whole theme of the high holidays...who will live, who will die, who will be written into the book of life. While certainly poignant for our circumstances, it would be rather intense. I'd probably start crying, which would be mortifying.

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