Saturday, September 27, 2008

WOW!! Amazing Album & Jersey From Biogen Friends

Good thing our terrier terrorist Micki didn't get to fulfill her dream of ripping apart our mailman, because today he delivered to Graham a very special package - an album put together by the people Graham used to work with at Biogen (Bioassay Dept) in North Carolina, along with the latest cycling jersey, complete with signatures, from Biogen's Rolling Clones.

Maureen S. and Randy B. contacted people Graham had worked with, several of whom no longer work for BiogenIDEC, and invited each of them to write a message to Graham, let him know what was happening in their lives, and to include photos.

As Maureen wrote, "I hope you enjoy this book that Randy and company put together. I can tell you a lot of fond memories and funny stories were shared during its preparation...We hope this photo album brings a smile to your face."

Did it ever! Graham was so touched. From the very first page, his eyes started to well. As he turned the pages and saw the notes and photos from more and more people, he needed to reach for his handkerchief.

How incredibly kind and thoughtful it was for y'all to take the time to put this special album together for Graham.

It was wonderful to see how families had grown. We loved the photos of the adorable kids, dogs and cats.

And Graham was so happy to see that the Rolling Clones, the cycling club Graham started to encourage Biogen staff to train for the annual MS 150 bikeride, is still thriving. He was thrilled to get the latest riding jersey and looks forward to wearing it when he eventually gets back to cycling.

You did indeed put a big smile on Graham's face.

THANK YOU Randy, Maureen, Mark, Jenae, Beverly, Miki, Vivian, Mike, Carol, William, Jamie, Tracy, Christy, Bret, Jean, Jenn, Genevieve, Tim, Miles, Scott and Jerry!!

A few sample pages:

Rolling Clones cycling jersey

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