Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Walk in the Woods

When we moved to California, we were happy that we had some family nearby. There's Graham's brother, Gary, in Berkeley, and Graham's cousin's sister-in-law, Ellen, in Sunnyvale, and her family. Ellen and Rick have been so kind to us and invited us for Thanksgiving and Passover, and they've joined us for Rosh Hashanah.

Ellen, Rick and their son Zack came to visit today and, O Happy Day, Graham felt like getting out of the house and taking a walk in the woods! So off we went to Huddart Park, where we strolled along one of the tamer trails.

Unfortunately, Graham's eyes weren't focusing well together, so it was disorienting for him to walk and look around. He said it sort of felt like he was on drugs, and not the prescription kind. (Hmm, how does he know how that feels? )

We walked for just a short time, perhaps a half hour, but it tuckered Graham out for the rest of the day.

Ellen is a talented artist. (You can see her online gallery here)

Here's a lovely painting that she gave to Graham, entitled "View from the Nest".

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