Friday, September 12, 2008

The Good Thing About Cancer Is...

The media inundates us with news about evil deeds, crass culture, and focuses our attention on nonsense. One would think we live in a horrible hopeless and pointless world.

If there's a positive thing to come out of living in Cancerland, it's that we are privileged to experience how good, how genuinely sweet, people can be. The care, love and support that have been showered upon us have been amazing and so heartwarming.

Graham feels very cherished.

We've missed a lot of calls because I tend to let the voicemail take messages when Graham is sleeping or otherwise not up to talking. But please know that one of our favorite activities each day is playing back the messages and reading all your emails and cards. It makes Graham feel very mellow and content.

If we don't call you back, it absolutely doesn't mean that your message wasn't treasured and appreciated; it usually just means that every time we went to pick up the phone to return a call, it rang and we got consumed with talking with others.

Some people whose email addresses I don't have, particularly Graham's work friends, have sent cards or left notes on the blog, and the blog's reply feature doesn't seem to be working, and it doesn't record anyone's email address. So, to those wonderful folks, please send me your email address, so we can get back to you. Email can be sent to us at . Thanks!!

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